1) Invisible 2) Made of nothing and everything 3) Can (and does) make things appear as though he doesn't exist 4) Cannot be understood/ Anything is possible.
Oddly, imaginary friends have the same attributes.
"God has given you over to your own depraved mind..."-Ben The Sower (Romans 1:28)
"Slavery in a godly way is described in the bible when Paul says slaves respect your masters and masters be fair with your slaves." -Jean Gasho-Musuka (Can I be your slave Jean?)
I would dispute #2, sounds like a straw-man to me.
I don't think so.
I've heard christians say god is immaterial, but also interacts with the material world. How? I don't know.
So he's in everything, including every hair on my head right now. But he can't be measured with any tools we posses.
For instance, if we weight a person when they are "saved" and they are 167 lbs. Then we have them "sin," they wouldn't be 166 lbs.
I don't know what "Christians" you've been talking to, Steve, but what you're describing is panentheism, not Christianity. And yes, it is stupid.
OK, I had to look up panentheist on wikipedia to know what it was.
You tell me whether god is material or immaterial, or neither.
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